
Drábek .

wow, I can't believe that my friendship with this amazing person started in 2011 already, when she messaged me on flickr and we finally decided to meet up. I'm so thankful we did and that the distance, the months in between our adventures, and sometimes the months of not being in touch didn't make the friendship weaker in any way. though she lives in france, I lived in states for a year, she spends her summers an ocean away, we both suck at messaging each other regularly, I suck at getting back to her when she plans to see me... we still manage to make it work and it's always such an awesome time filled with laughter and weirdness with her. I think it's actually our craziness that makes it so cool, we get each other, we freak out over the same things, and we just don't need to pretend anything when we go on adventures. I can't believe she puts up with my emotional mess and weirdness. so yep, here's my cheesy post and here's to some more years of the friendship that started through photography. Drábek is the coolest! like I don't even know why someone so cool hangs out with me and Tim Burton haha. (miss you!)

 yep, she's so cool she draws me while we talk over a cup of coffee.

99% of our time together. and when I just won't stop taking pictures of her.